The Birds & The Bees
Card - Bundle of Love
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Nowadays it is almost exceptional that you still receive a card in the letterbox. An app is easy, but much less fun. Therefore, here is a super nice card with a gold foil quote! Will you send a card again...
Card Giraffes
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Nowadays it is almost exceptional that you still receive a card in the letterbox. An app is easy, but much less fun. Therefore, here is a super nice card with a gold foil quote! Will you send a card again...
Card Mini you
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Nowadays it is almost exceptional that you still receive a card in the letterbox. An app is easy, but much less fun. Therefore, here is a super nice card with a gold foil quote! Will you send a card again...
Card Oh la la
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Nowadays it is almost exceptional that you still receive a card in the letterbox. An app is easy, but much less fun. Therefore, here is a super nice card with a gold foil quote! Will you send a card again...